Dear Friends, In September, we announced the acquisition and transfer of 1,100 acres in York County, creating the new Susquehanna Riverlands State Park. This month, we have big news in... read more →
PLEASE NOTE: Susquehanna Riverlands State Park is owned and operated by the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Please visit PA DCNR’s webpage for more information,... read more →
LtoR: Phil Wenger, Lori Yeich (DCNR Regional Supervisor), and Cindy Adams Dunn (DCNR Secretary) announce the agency's largest single investment in Pennsylvania recreation and conservation... read more →
As we wrap up September as PA Trails Month and head into fall, we... read more →
A portion of the awarded funds will help acquire a 155-acre nature preserve that includes a portion of the Conewago Creek. Photo: Jenn... read more →
It’s impossible to overstate the importance of our volunteers to the work we do here at the Conservancy. While we benefit immeasurably from the time our volunteers... read more →
The Conservancy's summer stew crew ended a productive (and sweaty!) season with a meet and greet with Truist, which was responsible for funding their work through a... read more →
Environmental history is a relatively new field of study that emerged with the realization that the desire and need to better understand our current and potential future... read more →
Kindergartners from School District of Lancaster and Lancaster County Parks and Recreation set... read more →
Have you noticed more Conservancy staff t-shirts out and about on our preserves so far this summer? Led by Conservancy Land Steward Mark Roberts, and thanks to a... read more →