Despite the chill in the air and the dimming daylight hours, there... read more →
Washington, D.C./Chanceford Township, Pa. – Today a coalition of conservation, recreation, and environmental organizations filed a petition for rehearing as a first step in its challenge to the decision... read more →
All nature preserves are open to hiking and nature study during the hunting season. While hunting is an important conservation tool, we strive to strike a balance between recreational demands,... read more →
Washington, D.C./Chanceford Township, Pa. – Today, November 21, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted York Energy Storage a preliminary permit to study the construction of a pumped... read more →
Lancaster Conservancy’s Shaw Family Nature Preserve in Mount Joy Township is growing by nearly 19 acres. The wooded Otto and Berta Florschutz tract being added to the preserve... read more →
Conserving contiguous natural lands to create corridors of habitat for wildlife and human recreation is one of Lancaster Conservancy’s highest land protection priorities. Often that process happens one... read more →
Spring gets all the interest when it comes to wildflowers. Fall just doesn’t seem to hold... read more →
On a cool autumn day, when the leaves are just... read more →
I emerged from the woods into the meadow as the last bit of orange glow slipped... read more →
Updated on November 25, 2024, to reflect additional preserves enrolled with PGC. The Lancaster Conservancy was founded in... read more →