Texter Mountain Nature Preserve

About This Preserve

Ecology and Management

Texter Mountain is managed for its passive recreation as being of highest and best use.

Texter Mountain, rising to 1,180 feet above sea level, is the highest point in Lancaster County. Harnish Run defines the preserve’s lowlands as it traverses the length of the preserve from west to east. Still fully regenerating from selective harvest, the current forest canopy is dominated by birch but also supports beech and hickories. Remnant logging roads largely comprise the hiking experience. Ash tree stands are declining due to the emerald ash borer.


Harnish Run empties into Blue Lake. The Cocalico Creek flows through Blue Lake and feeds into the Conestoga River which then empties into the Susquehanna River beneath the Safe Harbor Dam.

Hunting Information

Texter Mountain is open to Archery Only. Respect property boundaries and safety zones. All Pennsylvania Game Commission Rules and Regulations apply. See ‘Where to Hunt’ for more details.

Report Hunting Violations: PA Game Commission Centralized Dispatch Center at 1-833-PGC-HUNT (1-833-742-4868) or 1-833-PGC-WILD (1-833-742-9453)

Acquisition History

The Conservancy acquired this land in 2008 and 2009 with funding from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Natural Lands Preservation Fund of Lancaster County.


Parking. Preserve sign. Kiosk. Trails.

Prevent Tick Borne Illness!

  • Wear repellent
  • Check for ticks after your visit
  • Shower soon after being outdoors
  • Call your doctor if you get a fever or rash

For more information visit cdc.gov/lyme

Emergency Information

In case of emergency, call 911

Nearest Hospital – 10.7 miles away
WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital

169 Martin Avenue, Ephrata PA 17522

Additional Resources

Reinholds Fire Company

Schoeneck Fire Company

Ephrata Police Department